Board of Directors Approved 07/08/09
June 3, 2004
Present: Frisbie, King, Steiner, Wilson, Sullivan, Bardizbanian, French, Young
Excused: Hughes, Justus, Passalacqua
Guests: Dave Layton, Bill Meyer, Gary Glenn
The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.
Minutes of May 3, 2004
Sullivan motioned to approve, Bardizbanian seconded. The motion carried.
Membership Committee / DVD Request - Dave Layton, Bill Meyer
Layton introduced Meyers to the Board and briefed them on Meyers professional background in the advertising business.
Meyers presented a plan to the Board for a DVD presentation of GVCC. The DVD will be approximately seven minutes long, showing the facilities of the Club and the year round pleasure offered to members of all ages. It would be filmed over a two day period and utilize professional talent to write, film, record and edit every aspect of the Club's athletic, social, and inter-club activities. If all goes according to plan, Meyers believes his contact could present a finished product in four to five weeks from approval date. Meyers discussed costs and requested approval for funds. Bardizbanian motioned to approve funds from C.I.F. not to exceed $10,000. Sullivan seconded, the motion carried (y-4/n-3).
The Board asked the committee liaison to inform the committee that they do not want to have a request for funds from the membership committee at every Board meeting. The Board has been requesting an overall plan for the promotion of memberships from the committee.
GVCC Ad in Golf Guide - Layton
Layton distributed the Golf Guide brochure with the promotional ad for GVCC. Layton apologized to the Board for the committee error in not acquiring Board approval prior to the placement of the ad. The committed cost for the ad is four foursomes including carts to be utilized by the owner of the magazine.
The Board expressed their resentment to the committee liaison. They want the committee to fully understand that it is a Board decision, not a committee or personal decision to make a commitment on behalf of GVCC.
The Board wants members from the committee to use their personal guest passes as payment for the ad.
Sullivan will speak with the golf professional regarding times of play with the personal passes.
Tennis Committee
An ad-hoc committee of three past presidents met on behalf of the Board to discuss tennis committee issues and present a recommendation.
Regarding USTA team play. Recommendation: To continue this practice, which provides a beneficial service to our tennis playing members. The general manager is to create a form to be signed by all Club members within the team, acknowledging sponsorship of non-members as their guests.
They also recommended an update of the tennis rules. The update will need to be approved by the committee followed by Board approval. The rules update will clarify some of the confusion and answer some questions members have about the tennis facility.
There was a discussion on changing the lock system during the renovation of the tennis facility. The Board will have the general manager speak with the tennis pro on restricting non member play and monitoring the registration book.
Prepayment Penalty on Phase 1
There are a 43 members who paid up-front on Phase 1. A couple of these up-front payers do not feel that they should have to participate in the prepayment penalty related to Phase 2. After a discussion, the Board's decision remains the same; that a credit will not be given from Phase 1 and that the proposed payment plan will be implemented.
Treasurer's Report
Accepted. The Board discussed an increase to food prices. There will be further discussion at the July Board meeting.
Green: The chairman has resigned. A new committee chair is being sought at this time. Story and Young are working on the Board approved new greens on #1,8,12. Young requested $20,000 from C.I.F. for final plans and specifications relating to the cart paths, irrigation system and greens. This money is to be paid back when the loan is funded. Sullivan motioned to approve, Wilson seconded. The motion carried.
Master Plan: The loan is proceeding. The Club has provided the requested information to the broker. The rate is locked in at six percent. It will be three to four weeks before the loan is committed.
B&G: The committee reviewed C.I.F. items and is preparing a 2005 C.I.F. budget.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Ralph & Sylvia Reyna and Michael & Cheri Flohr. Sullivan motioned to approve, Wilson seconded. The motion carried.
The Board took note of one new sale and on reduction on the selling price of a membership. The notices will be effective for sale, Friday, June 4, 2004.
Old & New
It was suggested to have an additional bartender in the main lounge on Wednesday nights.
A reminder to staff that servers are to let a member sample their own wine which they bring to the Club prior to the server pouring.
The Board praised Theppy and his staff on service.
Two members requested the Board to allow their Think or Gem golf cart on the golf course. One of the requests is due to member owning the cart while on the cart shed waiting list prior to the Board ruling on cart specifications. The second request is from a new member who currently owns such a cart and was unaware of the cart specifications. Young motioned to approve, Sullivan seconded. The motion tied, one abstained. The president broke the tie. The motion failed.
Young Club members requests: The general manager will respond to a letter from two younger members requesting more children activities.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary